Discipleship Framework

Ready to Create A Thriving Culture Of Discipleship In Your Church?

With everything you need to develop leaders, support leaders, form groups, and equip groups, Discipleship Framework is the one-stop shop of church discipleship!
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There are three big questions that need to be answered when it comes to discipleship in our churches

Do we have an intentional plan for making disciples?
Is it working?
Do we have the leaders to help make that plan happen?

Discipleship Framework will help you develop effective leaders and build a clear, complete, and customized adult ministry strategy for your church!


Build your own strategy customized by you

Self-Guided Process
Six sessions
Clear, complete, & compelling road map

Church discipleship is missing something

We all want to see environments of effective discipleship happening in our churches. 

But if we’re honest, it’s not happening.
We’re trying all kinds of stuff, but it seems like many of the adults in our churches continue to feel stuck.
Why aren’t we confident in our strategy?

And why does it seem like we’re nowhere close to having enough great leaders to help us?
Develop Leaders
Support Leaders
Form Groups
Equip Groups